MTG Deck Builder: Generate your next Commander deck with ease using AI

MTG Deck Builder Robot
Unleash the Madness: Let AI Build Your Magic the Gathering Commander Deck! Say goodbye to the stress of deck building and hello to unpredictable and exciting gameplay. Our advanced algorithms will craft a deck that's uniquely yours, using the latest in machine learning technology, along with Scryfall & EDHRec to analyze the metagame and surprise your opponents at every turn. You won't want to miss out on this exclusive EDH Deck Builder.- EDHGen.AI
Prompt (Optional)
Deck Type
Commander (Optional)

Commander (1/1)

Azlask, the Swelling Scourge
Azlask, the Swelling Scourge|$0.70

Deck (99/99)

Total Price: $256.66
"This deck is designed around the theme of colorless creatures that synergize with Azlask's ability to generate experience counters. It includes ramp, mana fixing, card draw, and a variety of lands to support the commander's activation cost. The deck also includes some protection and creature buffs to enhance the board state. Enjoy the swell of power and control with Azlask, the Swelling Scourge!"-

Creature (26)

Sakura-Tribe Elder
Sakura-Tribe Elder|$0.89
Solemn Simulacrum
Solemn Simulacrum|$0.46
Burnished Hart
Burnished Hart|$0.10
Meren of Clan Nel Toth
Meren of Clan Nel Toth|$3.45
Writhing Chrysalis
Writhing Chrysalis|$0.09
Brood Monitor
Brood Monitor|$0.19
Spawnbed Protector
Spawnbed Protector|$9.82
Chittering Dispatcher
Chittering Dispatcher|$0.75
Drowner of Hope
Drowner of Hope|$0.23
Hope-Ender Coatl
Hope-Ender Coatl|$0.10
Spawn-Gang Commander
Spawn-Gang Commander|$0.12
Eldrazi Displacer
Eldrazi Displacer|$3.82
Glaring Fleshraker
Glaring Fleshraker|$0.49
Catacomb Sifter
Catacomb Sifter|$0.21
Hideous Taskmaster
Hideous Taskmaster|$1.68
Spawnsire of Ulamog
Spawnsire of Ulamog|$18.00
Eldrazi Linebreaker
Eldrazi Linebreaker|$1.12
Pawn of Ulamog
Pawn of Ulamog|$3.15
Rapacious One
Rapacious One|$0.07
Birthing Hulk
Birthing Hulk|$0.16
Scion Summoner
Scion Summoner|$0.06
Conduit of Ruin
Conduit of Ruin|$13.34
Nest Invader
Nest Invader|$0.23
Angelic Aberration
Angelic Aberration|$0.52
It That Heralds the End
It That Heralds the End|$0.35

Planeswalker (1)

Ugin, the Ineffable
Ugin, the Ineffable|$1.80

Instant (5)

Eldrazi Confluence
Eldrazi Confluence|$4.42
Kozilek's Command
Kozilek's Command|$null
Spell Shrivel
Spell Shrivel|$0.07
Swords to Plowshares
Swords to Plowshares|$1.16
Wither and Bloom
Wither and Bloom|$0.04

Sorcery (12)

Bala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged SanctuaryBala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged Sanctuary
Bala Ged Recovery|$4.89
Ondu Inversion // Ondu SkyruinsOndu Inversion // Ondu Skyruins
Ondu Inversion|$0.58
Kodama's Reach
Kodama's Reach|$1.12
Rampant Growth
Rampant Growth|$0.40
Malevolent Rumble
Malevolent Rumble|$0.09
Glimpse the Impossible
Glimpse the Impossible|$0.17
Calamity of the Titans
Calamity of the Titans|$8.19
Call the Scions
Call the Scions|$0.07
Rishkar's Expertise
Rishkar's Expertise|$1.99
Three Visits
Three Visits|$4.14

Enchantment (9)

From Beyond
From Beyond|$4.22
Path of Annihilation
Path of Annihilation|$0.24
Echoes of Eternity
Echoes of Eternity|$3.07
Kozilek's Unsealing
Kozilek's Unsealing|$0.88
Awakening Zone
Awakening Zone|$2.05
Moldervine Reclamation
Moldervine Reclamation|$0.43
Garruk's Uprising
Garruk's Uprising|$0.99
Eldrazi Conscription
Eldrazi Conscription|$10.07
Teleportation Circle
Teleportation Circle|$6.55

Artifact (14)

Seat of the Synod
Seat of the Synod|$2.02
Great Furnace
Great Furnace|$6.27
Chromatic Lantern
Chromatic Lantern|$2.41
Sol Ring
Sol Ring|$1.13
Arcane Signet
Arcane Signet|$0.24
Lightning Greaves
Lightning Greaves|$5.15
Swiftfoot Boots
Swiftfoot Boots|$1.67
Forsaken Monument
Forsaken Monument|$4.78
Idol of False Gods
Idol of False Gods|$0.17
Talisman of Impulse
Talisman of Impulse|$1.54
Hedron Archive
Hedron Archive|$0.42
Urza's Incubator
Urza's Incubator|$11.45
Talisman of Unity
Talisman of Unity|$0.21
Talisman of Creativity
Talisman of Creativity|$1.23

Land (36)

Command Tower
Command Tower|$0.20
Opal Palace
Opal Palace|$0.14
Path of Ancestry
Path of Ancestry|$0.11
Reflecting Pool
Reflecting Pool|$6.48
Exotic Orchard
Exotic Orchard|$0.13
Sandsteppe Citadel
Sandsteppe Citadel|$0.28
Silverquill Campus
Silverquill Campus|$0.10
Simic Growth Chamber
Simic Growth Chamber|$0.20
Dimir Aqueduct
Dimir Aqueduct|$0.16
Reliquary Tower
Reliquary Tower|$1.42
Jungle Shrine
Jungle Shrine|$0.14
Savage Lands
Savage Lands|$1.07
Seaside Citadel
Seaside Citadel|$0.26
Nomad Outpost
Nomad Outpost|$0.18
Krosan Verge
Krosan Verge|$0.12
Haven of the Spirit Dragon
Haven of the Spirit Dragon|$2.78
Khalni Garden
Khalni Garden|$1.18
Nephalia Academy
Nephalia Academy|$0.23
Zagoth Triome
Zagoth Triome|$22.92
Bala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged SanctuaryBala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged Sanctuary
Bala Ged Recovery|$4.89
Ondu Inversion // Ondu SkyruinsOndu Inversion // Ondu Skyruins
Ondu Inversion|$0.58
Seat of the Synod
Seat of the Synod|$2.02
Great Furnace
Great Furnace|$6.27
Spire of Industry
Spire of Industry|$0.12
Mana Confluence
Mana Confluence|$41.91
Shivan Reef
Shivan Reef|$1.28
Sulfurous Springs
Sulfurous Springs|$2.05
Mossfire Valley
Mossfire Valley|$0.11
Spire Garden
Spire Garden|$8.27
Vault of Champions
Vault of Champions|$7.64
Rainbow Vale
Rainbow Vale|$null