MTG Deck Builder: Generate your next Commander deck with ease using AI

MTG Deck Builder Robot
Unleash the Madness: Let AI Build Your Magic the Gathering Commander Deck! Say goodbye to the stress of deck building and hello to unpredictable and exciting gameplay. Our advanced algorithms will craft a deck that's uniquely yours, using the latest in machine learning technology, along with Scryfall & EDHRec to analyze the metagame and surprise your opponents at every turn. You won't want to miss out on this exclusive EDH Deck Builder.- EDHGen.AI
Prompt (Optional)
Deck Type
Commander (Optional)

Commander (1/1)

Kefnet the Mindful
Kefnet the Mindful|$0.98

Deck (99/99)

Total Price: $27.69
"This Commander deck is built around Kefnet the Mindful and focuses on control and card draw. It includes various counterspells, card draw spells, and powerful flying Sphinx creatures. The deck features a mix of bounce effects, extra turn spells, and ways to untap lands efficiently. Key win conditions include overwhelming opponents with card advantage and controlling the board with powerful Sphinx creatures."-

Creature (19)

Fog Bank
Fog Bank|$0.18
Windreader Sphinx
Windreader Sphinx|$0.15
Sower of Temptation
Sower of Temptation|$0.98
Tempest Djinn
Tempest Djinn|$0.17
Venser, Shaper Savant
Venser, Shaper Savant|$0.87
Sphinx of Magosi
Sphinx of Magosi|$0.09
Hover Barrier
Hover Barrier|$0.41
Guardian of Tazeem
Guardian of Tazeem|$0.23
Omen Hawker
Omen Hawker|$0.13
Loyal Drake
Loyal Drake|$0.17
Nimble Obstructionist
Nimble Obstructionist|$0.24
Psychosis Crawler
Psychosis Crawler|$0.20
Gadwick, the Wizened
Gadwick, the Wizened|$0.54
Defiler of Dreams
Defiler of Dreams|$0.25
Trophy Mage
Trophy Mage|$0.61
Torrential Gearhulk
Torrential Gearhulk|$0.56
Ghostly Pilferer
Ghostly Pilferer|$0.09
Alandra, Sky Dreamer
Alandra, Sky Dreamer|$0.58

Instant (13)

Mystic Confluence
Mystic Confluence|$0.35
Fact or Fiction
Fact or Fiction|$0.13
High Tide
High Tide|$0.38
Dig Through Time
Dig Through Time|$0.21
Reality Shift
Reality Shift|$0.35
Thirst for Discovery
Thirst for Discovery|$0.16
Flow of Knowledge
Flow of Knowledge|$0.08
Blink of an Eye
Blink of an Eye|$0.09

Sorcery (4)

Curse of the Swine
Curse of the Swine|$0.10
Chart a Course
Chart a Course|$0.11
Kefnet's Last Word
Kefnet's Last Word|$0.14
Consuming Tide
Consuming Tide|$0.42

Enchantment (10)

Favorable Winds
Favorable Winds|$0.68
Ominous Seas
Ominous Seas|$0.74
Combat Research
Combat Research|$0.26
Imprisoned in the Moon
Imprisoned in the Moon|$0.96
Eaten by Piranhas
Eaten by Piranhas|$0.19
As Foretold
As Foretold|$0.97
Kumena's Awakening
Kumena's Awakening|$0.37
Confounding Conundrum
Confounding Conundrum|$0.14
Curse of Verbosity
Curse of Verbosity|$0.25

Artifact (16)

Mind Stone
Mind Stone|$0.19
Arcane Signet
Arcane Signet|$0.26
Everflowing Chalice
Everflowing Chalice|$0.20
Hedron Archive
Hedron Archive|$0.42
Decanter of Endless Water
Decanter of Endless Water|$0.96
The Key to the Vault
The Key to the Vault|$0.41
Inquisitor's Flail
Inquisitor's Flail|$0.33
Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone|$0.09
Hand of Vecna
Hand of Vecna|$0.13
Robe of the Archmagi
Robe of the Archmagi|$0.19
Wayfarer's Bauble
Wayfarer's Bauble|$0.14
Kefnet's Monument
Kefnet's Monument|$0.28
Midnight Clock
Midnight Clock|$0.18
Sword of Vengeance
Sword of Vengeance|$0.41
Prismatic Lens
Prismatic Lens|$0.13
Ace's Baseball Bat
Ace's Baseball Bat|$0.14

Land (37)

Command Tower
Command Tower|$0.20
Scavenger Grounds
Scavenger Grounds|$0.26
Lonely Sandbar
Lonely Sandbar|$0.11
Desert of the Mindful
Desert of the Mindful|$0.08
Temple of the False God
Temple of the False God|$0.14
Ghost Quarter
Ghost Quarter|$0.87
Coral Atoll
Coral Atoll|$0.30
Halimar Depths
Halimar Depths|$0.57
Remote Isle
Remote Isle|$0.10
Memorial to Genius
Memorial to Genius|$0.07
Myriad Landscape
Myriad Landscape|$0.11
Demolition Field
Demolition Field|$0.69
Field of Ruin
Field of Ruin|$0.18
Bonders' Enclave
Bonders' Enclave|$0.24
Castle Vantress
Castle Vantress|$0.84
Skyline Cascade
Skyline Cascade|$0.14
Buried Ruin
Buried Ruin|$0.72
Guildless Commons
Guildless Commons|$0.79
Rogue's Passage
Rogue's Passage|$0.22