MTG Deck Builder: Generate your next Commander deck with ease using AI

MTG Deck Builder Robot
Unleash the Madness: Let AI Build Your Magic the Gathering Commander Deck! Say goodbye to the stress of deck building and hello to unpredictable and exciting gameplay. Our advanced algorithms will craft a deck that's uniquely yours, using the latest in machine learning technology, along with Scryfall & EDHRec to analyze the metagame and surprise your opponents at every turn. You won't want to miss out on this exclusive EDH Deck Builder.- EDHGen.AI
Prompt (Optional)
Deck Type
Commander (Optional)

Commander (1/1)

Myrkul, Lord of Bones
Myrkul, Lord of Bones|$0.09

Deck (99/99)

Total Price: $183.21
"This deck revolves around Myrkul, Lord of Bones's ability to create token copies of creatures that die. There are plenty of ways to sacrifice creatures for value, reanimate them, and swarm the board with token copies. The deck includes a mix of mana fixing, ramp, card draw, and recursion to ensure consistency and endurance in long games. The land base includes a variety of dual lands and basics for stability."-

Creature (10)

Soldevi Adnate
Soldevi Adnate|$0.58
Butcher of Malakir
Butcher of Malakir|$0.15
Wirewood Channeler
Wirewood Channeler|$1.41
Channeler Initiate
Channeler Initiate|$0.23
Hermit Druid
Hermit Druid|$null
Stitcher's Supplier
Stitcher's Supplier|$2.99
Ravenous Chupacabra
Ravenous Chupacabra|$0.17
Lotleth Giant
Lotleth Giant|$0.07

Instant (3)

Wake the Dead
Wake the Dead|$0.19
Grisly Salvage
Grisly Salvage|$0.81
Grapple with the Past
Grapple with the Past|$0.09

Sorcery (25)

Immortal Servitude
Immortal Servitude|$0.35
Finale of Glory
Finale of Glory|$0.46
Finale of Eternity
Finale of Eternity|$0.90
Rampant Growth
Rampant Growth|$0.40
Kodama's Reach
Kodama's Reach|$1.06
Sylvan Scrying
Sylvan Scrying|$0.43
Final Parting
Final Parting|$0.37
Buried Alive
Buried Alive|$0.48
Jarad's Orders
Jarad's Orders|$0.72
Increasing Ambition
Increasing Ambition|$0.80
Blood for Bones
Blood for Bones|$0.26
Raise Dead
Raise Dead|$0.18
False Dawn
False Dawn|$0.28
Eerie Ultimatum
Eerie Ultimatum|$5.98
Twilight's Call
Twilight's Call|$0.79
Seasons Past
Seasons Past|$0.97
Patriarch's Bidding
Patriarch's Bidding|$4.80
Cemetery Recruitment
Cemetery Recruitment|$0.06
Breath of Life
Breath of Life|$null
Grave Exchange
Grave Exchange|$0.04
Gruesome Encore
Gruesome Encore|$0.20

Enchantment (9)

Oversold Cemetery
Oversold Cemetery|$0.59
True Conviction
True Conviction|$3.70
Phyrexian Reclamation
Phyrexian Reclamation|$4.64
Animate Dead
Animate Dead|$4.88
Dance of the Dead
Dance of the Dead|$null
Black Market
Black Market|$2.69
Grim Feast
Grim Feast|$3.61
Gutter Grime
Gutter Grime|$0.38

Artifact (19)

Armillary Sphere
Armillary Sphere|$0.08
Sol Ring
Sol Ring|$1.14
Golgari Signet
Golgari Signet|$0.43
Orzhov Signet
Orzhov Signet|$0.23
Selesnya Signet
Selesnya Signet|$0.50
Golgari Locket
Golgari Locket|$0.06
Selesnya Locket
Selesnya Locket|$0.10
Commander's Sphere
Commander's Sphere|$0.10
Mind Stone
Mind Stone|$0.13
Darksteel Ingot
Darksteel Ingot|$0.12
Golgari Cluestone
Golgari Cluestone|$0.06
Orzhov Cluestone
Orzhov Cluestone|$0.13
Selesnya Cluestone
Selesnya Cluestone|$0.08
Golgari Keyrune
Golgari Keyrune|$0.14
Orzhov Keyrune
Orzhov Keyrune|$0.13
Selesnya Keyrune
Selesnya Keyrune|$0.10
Altar of Dementia
Altar of Dementia|$9.33
Ashnod's Altar
Ashnod's Altar|$5.79
Phyrexian Altar
Phyrexian Altar|$37.72

Land (33)

Command Tower
Command Tower|$0.20
Overgrown Tomb
Overgrown Tomb|$10.89
Godless Shrine
Godless Shrine|$10.83
Sunpetal Grove
Sunpetal Grove|$3.49
Woodland Cemetery
Woodland Cemetery|$1.26
Isolated Chapel
Isolated Chapel|$1.29
Woodland Chasm
Woodland Chasm|$0.92
Tainted Wood
Tainted Wood|$0.63
Grim Backwoods
Grim Backwoods|$0.33
Reliquary Tower
Reliquary Tower|$1.42
Golgari Rot Farm
Golgari Rot Farm|$0.30
Orzhov Basilica
Orzhov Basilica|$0.17
Selesnya Sanctuary
Selesnya Sanctuary|$0.13
Jungle Hollow
Jungle Hollow|$0.09
Blossoming Sands
Blossoming Sands|$0.07
Sandsteppe Citadel
Sandsteppe Citadel|$0.26
Foul Orchard
Foul Orchard|$0.15
Elfhame Palace
Elfhame Palace|$0.16
Secluded Steppe
Secluded Steppe|$0.08
Barren Moor
Barren Moor|$0.18
Marsh Flats
Marsh Flats|$15.78
Volrath's Stronghold
Volrath's Stronghold|$null
High Market
High Market|$3.64
Phyrexian Tower
Phyrexian Tower|$18.05