MTG Deck Builder: Generate your next Commander deck with ease using AI

MTG Deck Builder Robot
Unleash the Madness: Let AI Build Your Magic the Gathering Commander Deck! Say goodbye to the stress of deck building and hello to unpredictable and exciting gameplay. Our advanced algorithms will craft a deck that's uniquely yours, using the latest in machine learning technology, along with Scryfall & EDHRec to analyze the metagame and surprise your opponents at every turn. You won't want to miss out on this exclusive EDH Deck Builder.- EDHGen.AI
Prompt (Optional)
Deck Type
Commander (Optional)

Commander (1/1)

Sefris of the Hidden Ways
Sefris of the Hidden Ways|$0.33

Deck (99/99)

Total Price: $449.37
"This deck focuses on utilizing Sefris of the Hidden Ways' ability to reanimate graveyards and generate card advantage. It includes mana rocks for ramp, card draw engines, utility lands, interaction spells, and a mix of creatures and spells to control the game and outvalue opponents. The mana base is designed to ensure smooth color fixing and consistent mana production. Enjoy playing Sefris of the Hidden Ways!"-

Creature (27)

Burnished Hart
Burnished Hart|$0.10
Solemn Simulacrum
Solemn Simulacrum|$0.44
Dreamscape Artist
Dreamscape Artist|$0.08
Drowned Rusalka
Drowned Rusalka|$0.30
Jace's Archivist
Jace's Archivist|$5.91
Thassa, Deep-Dwelling
Thassa, Deep-Dwelling|$18.81
God-Eternal Kefnet
God-Eternal Kefnet|$2.19
Clever Impersonator
Clever Impersonator|$2.92
Dream Eater
Dream Eater|$0.11
Waterfront Bouncer
Waterfront Bouncer|$null
Inkfathom Witch
Inkfathom Witch|$0.07
Mnemonic Wall
Mnemonic Wall|$0.14
Nightscape Familiar
Nightscape Familiar|$0.24
Sage's Row Denizen
Sage's Row Denizen|$0.02
Sea Gate Oracle
Sea Gate Oracle|$0.13
Surge Mare
Surge Mare|$0.12
Vodalian Illusionist
Vodalian Illusionist|$0.28
Duskmantle Seer
Duskmantle Seer|$0.17
Infiltrator il-Kor
Infiltrator il-Kor|$0.01
Soldevi Adnate
Soldevi Adnate|$0.58
Thalakos Deceiver
Thalakos Deceiver|$3.12
Wall of Stolen Identity
Wall of Stolen Identity|$2.75
Sydri, Galvanic Genius
Sydri, Galvanic Genius|$0.84
Voltaic Construct
Voltaic Construct|$1.11
Mirror-Mad Phantasm
Mirror-Mad Phantasm|$0.63
Synod Artificer
Synod Artificer|$0.35

Planeswalker (2)

Teferi, Master of Time
Teferi, Master of Time|$6.18
Jace, Wielder of Mysteries
Jace, Wielder of Mysteries|$4.47

Instant (10)

Oona's Grace
Oona's Grace|$0.05
Go for the Throat
Go for the Throat|$0.94
Doom Blade
Doom Blade|$0.22
Cryptic Command
Cryptic Command|$6.42
Commit // Memory
Ghostly Flicker
Ghostly Flicker|$0.45

Sorcery (5)

Laquatus's Creativity
Laquatus's Creativity|$0.38
Mind's Desire
Mind's Desire|$0.94
Compulsive Research
Compulsive Research|$0.02
Commit // Memory

Enchantment (4)

Omen of the Sea
Omen of the Sea|$0.11
Leyline of Anticipation
Leyline of Anticipation|$1.91
Arcane Melee
Arcane Melee|$0.33

Artifact (21)

Treasure Map // Treasure CoveTreasure Map // Treasure Cove
Treasure Map|$0.32
Darksteel Citadel
Darksteel Citadel|$0.81
Sol Ring
Sol Ring|$1.12
Arcane Signet
Arcane Signet|$0.24
Thran Dynamo
Thran Dynamo|$2.47
Thought Vessel
Thought Vessel|$0.82
Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone|$0.11
Hedron Archive
Hedron Archive|$0.42
Wayfarer's Bauble
Wayfarer's Bauble|$0.14
Mind Stone
Mind Stone|$0.16
Dimir Locket
Dimir Locket|$0.12
Dimir Cluestone
Dimir Cluestone|$0.08
Commander's Sphere
Commander's Sphere|$0.10
Darksteel Ingot
Darksteel Ingot|$0.12
Dimir Keyrune
Dimir Keyrune|$0.13
Grim Monolith
Grim Monolith|$278.28
Gilded Lotus
Gilded Lotus|$1.66
Basalt Monolith
Basalt Monolith|$4.23
Mind's Eye
Mind's Eye|$3.53
Blade of Selves
Blade of Selves|$2.97
Unbender Tine
Unbender Tine|$0.34

Land (33)

Treasure Map // Treasure CoveTreasure Map // Treasure Cove
Treasure Map|$0.32
Mystic Sanctuary
Mystic Sanctuary|$0.91
Field of the Dead
Field of the Dead|$45.57
Choked Estuary
Choked Estuary|$0.12
Sunken Hollow
Sunken Hollow|$0.17
Dismal Backwater
Dismal Backwater|$0.07
Watery Grave
Watery Grave|$12.83
Drowned Catacomb
Drowned Catacomb|$1.66
Underground River
Underground River|$2.57
Dimir Aqueduct
Dimir Aqueduct|$0.16
Reliquary Tower
Reliquary Tower|$1.42
Bojuka Bog
Bojuka Bog|$1.11
Tainted Isle
Tainted Isle|$0.18
Halimar Depths
Halimar Depths|$0.57
Lonely Sandbar
Lonely Sandbar|$0.10
Nephalia Drownyard
Nephalia Drownyard|$0.12
Dimir Guildgate
Dimir Guildgate|$0.13
Frost Marsh
Frost Marsh|$2.20
Secluded Glen
Secluded Glen|$5.69
Cryptic Caves
Cryptic Caves|$0.16
Unknown Shores
Unknown Shores|$0.05
Witch's Cottage
Witch's Cottage|$0.51
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds|$0.07
Terramorphic Expanse
Terramorphic Expanse|$0.10
Darksteel Citadel
Darksteel Citadel|$0.81
Sanctum of Eternity
Sanctum of Eternity|$3.81